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Monday, June 30, 2008

I'm Getting A "Charge" Out This!

Ok, yes I have a little "awnry-ness" in me when I want to make a point. Ask my hubby - he will "gladly" attest to that...haha...anyway, I've really been getting a "charge" lately at people's responses to some of my attempts at living a 'greener' life.

It amazes me as I go through my daily routine how "huffy" some people get even when you dare to deviate from the "generally accepted norm".

I first noticed this back in February when I went into Macy's looking for a new shirt to wear to our company customer appreciation party. I found what I wanted (on the sale rack @ 60% off, mind you - SCORE!) and went to pay for it. After she rang up the sweater and I paid for it, she went to put it in a bag and I said "oh, no thank you - I don't need a plastic bag"...she then responded "well, you've only bought ONE thing and we typically don't give out larger paper handled bags to customers that buy "just" ONE thing"...It took EVERYTHING I could muster up to NOT say what I was thinking which was "ok, doomkoff, did you hear me ASK for a large paper handled bag?"...but of course, I didn't - I just looked at the gal and said "oh, I'll just take the sweater with out a bag"...again, she looked like a deer in headlights - "what?" she said "you don't want a bag?" - her tone was that of total disgust like "what are you thinking?? you don't want a bag?" - I was just getting the biggest kick out of it. I replied with "no thank you - after all I have my receipt and it is only ONE thing!" and left the counter.

Similarly I've gotten the same reactions from fast food (yeah, yeah, I know - yes, I do go to fast food sometimes) establishments. I'll order a 'plain muffin' and when they go to bag it up and throw a million napkins inside with just ONE plain muffin - I'll say..."Oh, that's ok, I'll just take the muffin only". I would then catch them throwing out the bag that they just took off the pile and "fluffed" for I started saying "Oh, that's ok, I'll just take the muffin only AND you can then SAVE (hint, hint) that bag for a larger order for someone else" It cracks me up when I go through the drive -thru and order a "PLAIN" muffin - I get up to window - they hand me the bag (before I have a change to say I don't want one) and I look in the bag - because it seems SO heavy for just a "PLAIN" muffin and I find - plastic utensils - for what? a PLAIN muffin? - then I look further - Oooooooh, the utensils must be for the BUTTER AND JELLY that I'm "sure" I want for my "PLAIN" muffin! Good gawd! I asked for a "PLAIN" muffin - if I wanted butter on it, I wouldn't have ordered it PLAIN! Then....on top of that there must be a dozen paper napkins in the bag - for what?? The really messy "PLAIN" muffin I just got?

Now, before you get your panties in an uproar - let me say that those items that don't make it back to the restaurant DO get used! I haven't had to buy paper napkins for lord knows how long...I use them at work in the break room and at home, there are some in the glove box of each of our vehicles...the butter and jelly get used as well. I save the utensil "kits" (for lack of better word) and donate to a homeless shelter here in town. Now I know they aren't probably recycling - but I do know that they are at least being used. I do recall someone telling me that the homeless often "KEEP" and reuse these utensils.

One time I went to give the napkins, utensils, butter and jelly back to them and the person at the window said "oh we can't accept those once they've left the restaurant" - I'm like "WHAT?" I'm still sitting at the drive-thru window - I didn't even ask for these...what a stupid waste! So now, when I'm ordering I have to remember to also include the "idiot instructions" [disclaimer: no offense to all drive-thru attendants who have excellent listening skills and great customer service and eco-conscious minds] and tell them what I want and include "no bag, no butter, no jelly, no utensils and just ONE napkin" - that way when I get to the window to get my order...........well, let's just say I haven't YET been 'amazed' at the fabulous listening skills of drive-thru attendants...I can see them now, taking my order...with their head set on staring down at the silicone protected keyboard going "Oh my gawd - I don't have a button for that...what do I do?" I remain forever hopeful....

In the grocery store it never ceases to amaze me that the baggers try to put EVERYTHING in a bag - a "BAG" of potatoes? come on - the potatoes are already in a bag...good grief! Then there is always that bagger who tries to load 2 or 3 two-liter bottles of soda into a plastic bag! Hello? I cracks me up how people get so immersed in their 'routines' that they don't realize it - I put my groceries on the check out belt - and put my re-usable bags on the food goes down the belt, the checker takes the bags off the top of the food items and sets them in the bagging area...then proceeds to drop my items in a plastic bag! Hello? I then say "oh, I didn't want plastic bags - I brought my own put them over there". The checker then does one of those "Duh" facial gestures and 'unbags' my items from the plastic bags and then tears them off and throws them away! Again...HELLO PEOPLE!! Think!! Isn't the reason we're using re-usable bags to get away from all the plastic bag waste!

Ok, I will step down off my podium now and just I encourage you to ask yourself ONE more question when you are pondering "Paper or Plastic?" - instead ask yourself "BAG or NO BAG?"... now THAT is the 'real' question!

1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Very thought provoking article Ali. Yep I use all the napkins, catsup, sugar they give me. The wrapped utensils, come in handy for picnics in the park with the kids. Such waste in our society. Hugs Marilyn