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Saturday, September 11, 2010


What a busy summer!

As I worked on another share site yesterday evening I was setting up links for my favorite sites and of course I had to include my own, right?

In doing so, I realized I haven't done much in the way of writing lately and felt the need to get something down.

As I was sitting in front of the computer this morning, contemplating what I wanted to share, I began thinking about my summer and the new trends I've been trying to impose upon myself.

In the wake of this waffling economy my need for trimming expenses and stream lining systems has increased. I want to focus on what I really enjoy doing.

As I posted some time ago, I've been organizing and adjusting processes and procedures around the house and in my life. I spent yesterday clearing out the pantry! Although opening the coffers of my pantry and finding it packed with yummy items use to make my feel satisfied and blessed, now I feel overwhelmed and wasteful.

I pulled out all the items on the shelves. I lined everything up by category on the dining room table. Wow! Next I looked at shelf dates. Just a few were past their "best used by" time. The contents were tossed and the packaging recycled. Next I began looking at what was left. Just how many boxes of cake mix did I need? Did we eat a lot of cake? Not! So I continued my filtering until it was paired down to the basics. Just the basics? Yes, the basics!!

Over the course of the past few months I've found that I've been drawn to fresh food and organic local food where and when I can get it. It really isn't that hard to make good fresh food fast! A little bit of foresight and planning goes a long way in making your week go smoothly when it comes to cooking good food.

Out went the bottles of pre-made this and that and my pantry has so much room now. Oooh the feeling of freedom it gives! It's not empty, mind you, but it's organized, easy to get to things and refreshing to open up. Next I moved more things into my kitchen so they are an arms length away. Easy to get to and use. Feels soo good.

I've been doing this process for months now in other areas of my home - getting rid of excess! A couple of weekends ago it was the garage - Lord have mercy, I can see the floor now! Really! I've got real estate now! Ha! The excess was picked over by friends and the balance of the items went to Goodwill. Some went on eBay and some on Craigslist. Prior to that it was my craft room. That was the most challenging space, I think. Scrapbooking supplies, crafting supplies, fabric, yarn - you name it! But....just how much of that 'stuff' can one person possibly have? (ok, well some of you don't answer that - hahahaha). I did some hard soul searching on that one and made some really ruthless decisions. Once I was able get my arms wrapped around the concept that I didn't "need" all this stuff just to prove I could make beautiful scrapbooks or create beautiful greeting cards or whatever heartfelt creative project I was into I was 'ok'. Next came a couple of tough questions: 1) What projects to I REALLY enjoy doing? and 2) If I let go of some of this stuff, what impact will that have on my future needs?

Question #1 was pretty easy. Question #2 was, sorta, easy. Once I was able to ask myself "Am I going to use this in the near future?" and if not, "will it (or something like it) be available to buy when I do get around to going the project?" making decisions about what to keep and not keep was fairly painless.

What a freeing experience this has been for me - and eye opening! I didn't realize how much 'stuff' I really had (and actually seems like I still do) As a society we are HUGE consumers! The packaging alone on all this "stuff" we buy is horrific! As an example just by changing our eating habits to fresh food and homemade items, our garbage and recycle bin hasn't been as full. That makes me feel good too!

I really didn't intend for this post to be so long when I began, but hey - that's what I get I guess for not posting in so long. I found this note that I thought was worthwhile and wanted to share it. I saved it some time ago on my computer and in all honesty, I have no idea where I got it from so I will apologize now to the author for not being able to give credit where credit is due.

Given the nature of this list, I can't imagine them caring about the 'credit' but that the message is getting out there instead.

13 Questions to Ask Yourself BEFORE You Buy More Stuff!

Is this purchase something I need? Wait 24 hours (or longer) and ask yourself again. Run it by your significant other - do they think you 'need' it?
2. Do I already own something that will serve the same purpose?
3. Can I borrow this item instead of buying new one? - I can remember days when I was younger that we 'borrowed' from our neighbors (and vice versa) all the time! Now, I'm ashamed to say - I don't even know all my neighbors - let alone feel comfortable to ask them to borrow something - what a shame that is! (Note to self: topic for another post?)
4. Can I make something that will serve the same purpose? Keep in mind that the 'making' process should not surpass time and materials cost of the actual thing you're trying to duplicate.
5. Can I buy a used one? Sports equipment, clothing, bake ware, you name it - there is someone offering a used version of it!
6. Would someone be willing to split the cost and share this with me? This is a VERY good idea! Your friends are some of your best 'like minded' options out there.
7. Can I buy or commission one made locally? Although I'm trying to be more responsible with my purchases, I REALLY like the idea of keeping my purchases local - and (thinking - do I need to apologize for this?) I like supporting independent merchants whenever possible and not 'big box' mass merchandisers. Sorry WalMart fans, but WalMart is my LAST choice unless I have no other option. In fact, I guess I need to thank WalMart - (Huh?) It has actually acted as a 'deterrent' for me at times - I dislike going into WalMart Stores so much that I have just said "Oh, I think I'll wait..." or "I think I can hold out until tomorrow (or whenever)".
8. Can I buy one that was made with environmentally responsible materials? I also have been looking at how much packaging it has - have you seen kids toys lately? It's like breaking into Fort Knox or something! Crazy time!
9. Can I buy one that serves more than one purpose?
10. Can I get something human powered instead of gas or electric? Seriously! Do you REALLY need electric scissors? Electric knives?
11. Can I compost or recycle it when I'm done with it?
12. What is the impact on the environment of the full life cycle of the item?
13. Does the manufacture or disposal of it damage the environment?

Suggestion: Print these questions out, put a copy in your purse, on the visor of your car or on your refrigerator. Memorize it - run these questions through your head over and over so they become rote!

What a great 'thought tree', eh?

I hope you don't think it's silly to carry around a list like this - in the beginning it might be, but until it becomes a habit for you - why not?

According to Consumer Reports, the average American is exposed to 247 commercial messages every day. That comes out roughly to 7,212,400 commercial messages over an 80-year lifespan. WOW! OMG! Not to mention the bombardment of ads on TV -which if you cut back on that (or DVR your favorites so you can speed through the ads) you'll cut out of a lot of your exposure right there! And try, try, try NOT to go to sleep watching TV where it plays all night long - not only is it a HUGE waste of energy to power it all night while no one is watching it - but your unconscious mind is taking in all that 'stuff' that is going on while you sleep.

Recently I had spent the night at a friend's house where others where staying as well - the TV was left on and I can still remember waking up the next day thinking about some acne medicine - I don't have acne!! Haha!

Ads are everywhere! Magazines, billboards, the Internet, newspapers, your email account on cars and vehicles, even people's clothing! What message do we get from all this advertisement??
"Here, buy these products so you can happy, so you can be healthy, so you can be popular or whatever!!"

Depending on what pushes your button (and they'll definitely push it) we end up buying. When we buy, we create demand - with that comes waste and energy consumption. Often times it also means we've contributed to the prosper of some other nation other than our own. Now mind you, I don't mind helping others -but we need to support ourselves (local city, state, country) first (Hmmm...another topic for a later post?? Hehehe).

I'll be the first to admit, I love technology - my iPhone rocks! And like all technology, it's ever evolving - always the 'latest and greatest' to be had. BUT I will say, I have really controlled my urge to jump on the "consumption train" right away - I still have the original version iPhone (which I bought reconditioned) and it serves me well. My needs are met.

Ok, so do I think that a piece of paper with these 13 Questions on it is going to convert the world? No.

I DO think, though, that it might help to change people's thought process and in doing so help clean up this whole consumption mess we've got going on.

We all need to start thinking a little different. And in order to do that, we need to start asking ourselves some hard questions.

1. Why do we feel that buying things will make us happy?
2. What is missing in our lives that we are trying to fill with mass produced items?
3. What 'need' are you really 'feeding' by buying so much stuff?

Perhaps a little reminder like this will help us start that process and put us on the path to commercial freedom.

So, write up the list and run through those questions the next time you are about to buy something - essential or non-essential, ya know? Before long, you'll have that mind set and will be one step closer to de-boarding the fast paced consumer purchasing train!

"Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much"

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